
Esana is a research oriented literary magazine. It was launched at Cuttack Cuttack in September, 1980 under the editorship of Khetrabasi Naik. After the untimely death of Ketrabasi Naik in 1986, Labanya Naik and Krushna Charana Behera took over the editorship. At first it was published in March and October – two issues in a year. Later on it was published in April and December.

Literateurs like Chittaranjan Das, Krushna Charana Behera, Gaganendra Nath Dash, Narendra Nath Misra, Ketrabasi Naik, Kunja Bihari Dash have contributed to keep the magazine alive through the years. Intellectuals of that time were not interested in research, which troubled these literateurs deeply. So they took it as a challenge and started an organization, Odia Gabesana Parisad, in 1980. After the end of Prachi Samiti of Artta Ballabha Mohanty, it was the second such literary society, although its objectives were different.

The society carried out discussions on various topics, particulaly on those which were discussed little elsewhere. The discussions were then compiled into a reseach journal titled ‘Esana’ or were published in form of monographs. Regular features of Esana include discussions, book review, opinion and criticism. It covered not only literature, but also human sciences, social sciences, psychology, history, religion, philosophy and even natural science to an extent. Articles dealing with ancient literature and with unpublished writings of medieval period were given preference.

At the end, magazine gives a detailed account of it’s activities and the success stories of it’s members, It also lists the details of the research publications of its members. This has proven valuable later while compiling biographies.

Thus Esana is not only a literary magazine, but also an window for understanding the impact of literature on the political, social, cultural lifeof the people. .
(Source: Sambada Sahityakosa)


Esana Index

The table below lists the issues of Esana and also provides links for downloading these. For easy downloading the issues made into smaller file size, but it may still take some time depending on the internet connection speed. Clicking on the image or issues files will initiate download.

Sample pages have been provided for previewing the contents/quality before downloading the larger files. These will open in new browser tabs when clicked on.

Indexes of the available issues have been presented in which articles have been arranged both chronologically and authorwise. This will help in searching for a particular articles.


ନମୁନା ଖଣ୍ଡ ୧
Sample 1
ନମୁନା ଖଣ୍ଡ ୨
Sample 2
ନମୁନା ଖଣ୍ଡ ୩
Sample 3
ନମୁନା ଖଣ୍ଡ ୪
Sample 4
ରଚନା ସୂଚୀ – ପ୍ରକାଶନ କ୍ରମ
Index – Chronological
ରଚନା ସୂଚୀ – ଲେଖକ କ୍ରମ
Index – Authorwise
ବର୍ଷ/ଭାଗ Year/Volume ବର୍ଷ/ଭାଗ Year/Volume ବର୍ଷ/ଭାଗ Year/Volume ବର୍ଷ/ଭାଗ Year/Volume ବର୍ଷ/ଭାଗ Year/Volume
୧୯୮୦ ସେପ୍ଟେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୦୧
1980 Sept, v.01
୧୯୮୧ ମାର୍ଚ୍ଚ, ଭାଗ ୦୨
1981 Mar, v.02
୧୯୮୧ ଅକ୍ଟୋବର, ଭାଗ ୦୩
1981 Oct v.03
୧୯୮୨ ମାର୍ଚ୍ଚ, ଭାଗ ୦୪
1982 Mar, v.04
୧୯୮୨ ଅକ୍ଟୋବର, ଭାଗ ୦୫
1982 Oct, v.05
୧୯୮୩ ମାର୍ଚ୍ଚ, ଭାଗ ୦୬
1983 Mar, v.06
୧୯୮୩ ଅକ୍ଟୋବର, ଭାଗ ୦୭
1983 Oct, v.07
୧୯୮୪ ଏପ୍ରିଲ, ଭାଗ ୦୮
1984 Apr, v.08
୧୯୮୪ ଅକ୍ଟୋବର, ଭାଗ ୦୯
1984 Oct, v.09
୧୯୮୫ ଏପ୍ରିଲ, ଭାଗ ୧୦
1985 Apr, v.10
୧୯୮୫ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୧୧
1985 Dec, v.11
୧୯୮୬ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୧୨
1986 Jun, v.12
୧୯୮୬ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୧୩
1986 Dec, v.13
୧୯୮୭ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୧୪
1987 Jun, v.14
୧୯୮୭ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୧୫
1987 Dec, v.15
୧୯୮୮ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୧୬
1988 Jun, v.16
୧୯୮୮ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୧୭
1988 Dec, v.17
୧୯୮୯ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୧୮
1989 Jun, v.18
୧୯୮୯ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୧୯
1989 Dec, v.19
୧୯୯୦ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୨୦
1990 Jun, v.20
୧୯୯୦ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୨୧
1985 Dec, v.21
୧୯୯୧ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୨୨
1991 Jun, v.22
୧୯୯୧ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୨୩
1991 Dec, v.23
୧୯୯୨ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୨୪
1992 Jun, v.24
୧୯୯୨ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୨୫
1992 Dec, v.25
୧୯୯୩ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୨୬
1993 Jun, v.26
୧୯୯୩ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୨୭
1993 Dec, v.27
୧୯୯୪ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୨୮
1994 Jun, v.28
୧୯୯୪ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୨୯
1994 Dec, v.29
୧୯୯୫ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୩୦
1995 Jun, v.30
୧୯୯୫ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୩୧
1995 Dec, v.31
୧୯୯୬ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୩୨
1996 Jun, v.32
୧୯୯୬ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୩୩
1996 Dec, v.33
୧୯୯୭ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୩୪
1997 Jun, v.34
୧୯୯୭ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୩୫
1997 Dec, v.35
୧୯୯୮ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୩୬
1998 Jun, v.36
୧୯୯୮ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୩୭
1998 Dec, v.37
୧୯୯୯ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୩୮
1999 Jun, v.38
୧୯୯୯ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୩୯
1999 Dec, v.39
୨୦୦୦ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୪୦
1996 Jun, v.40
୨୦୦୦ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୪୧
2000 Dec, v.41
୨୦୦୧ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୪୨
2001 Jun, v.42
୨୦୦୧ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୪୩
2001 Dec, v.43
୨୦୦୨ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୪୪
2002 Jun, v.44
୨୦୦୨ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୪୫
2002 Dec, v.45
୨୦୦୩ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୪୬
2003 Jun, v.46
୨୦୦୩ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୪୭
2003 Dec, v.47
୨୦୦୪ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୪୮
2004 Jun, v.48
୨୦୦୪ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୪୯
2004 Dec, v.49
୨୦୦୫ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୫୦
2005 Jun, v.50
୨୦୦୫ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୫୧
2005 Dec, v.51
୨୦୦୬ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୫୨
2006 Jun, v.52
୨୦୦୬ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୫୩
2006 Dec, v.53
୨୦୦୭ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୫୪
2007 Jun, v.54
୨୦୦୭ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୫୫
2007 Dec, v.55
୨୦୦୮ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୫୬
2008 Jun, v.56
୨୦୦୮ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୫୭
2008 Dec, v.57
୨୦୦୯ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୫୮
2009 Jun, v.58
୨୦୦୯ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୫୯
2009 Dec, v.59
୨୦୧୦ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୬୦
2010 Jun, v.60
୨୦୧୦ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୬୧
2010 Dec, v.61
୨୦୧୧ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୬୨
2011 Jun, v.62
୨୦୧୧ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୬୩
2011 Dec, v.63
୨୦୧୨ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୬୪
2012 Jun, v.64
୨୦୧୨ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୬୫
2012 Dec, v.65
୨୦୧୩ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୬୬
2013 Jun, v.66
୨୦୧୩ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୬୭
2013 Dec, v.67
୨୦୧୪ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୬୮
2014 Jun, v.68
୨୦୧୪ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୬୯
2014 Dec, v.69
୨୦୧୫ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୭୦
2015 Jun, v.70
୨୦୧୫ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୭୧
2015 Dec, v.71
୨୦୧୬ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୭୨
2016 Jun, v.72
୨୦୧୬ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୭୩
2016 Dec, v.73
୨୦୧୭ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୭୪
2017 Jun, v.74
୨୦୧୭ ଡିସେମ୍ବର, ଭାଗ ୭୫
2017 Dec, v.75
୨୦୧୮ ଜୁନ, ଭାଗ ୭୬
2018 Jun, v.76